Saturday, 13 July 2019


PART - 1

Diode look like –
And the symbols of diode are –


All Metals. Like - Silver, Gold. Cupper, Steel, Iron etc. Here we see the conduction band (C.B) and the valence band (V.B) is over lapping each other. For that reason, the electrons are easily move from V.B to C.B.


Rubber, Glass, Diamond, Wood, Plastic, Dry Paper etc. are the insulators, which can not carry the electron from V.B to C.V. Because the distance between V.B and C.V is grater then 5 electro volt (ev). This gap is called energy gap (Eg).


Germanium and Silicon are the semi-conductors, because the Eg V.B and C.V is less then 5ev. So we can get the flow of electrons to applying some heat energy. Like-
In 0k temp.-
               Ge = 0.78ev  
               Si = 1.21ev
In 300k temp.-
               Ge = 0.72ev
               Si = 1.1ev

Those types of semi-conductors are called in-centric semi-conductor.
If we add some impurities with those in-centric semi-conductor to increase the speed of the flow of electrons then those elements are called ex-centric semi-conductor.
The process to create the ex-centric semi-conductor is called Doping.


PART - 1 Click the video for know more... Diode look like – And the symbols of diode are – CONDUCTORS – All...